A record documenting modifications, updates, and fixes made to a Shopify theme, typically including version changes, new features, and bug fixes.
Version 7.2.1
21 December 2024
In Suruchi version 7.2.1, we've introduced purchase token verification and resolved a few issues.
Added "Purchase code verification
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed product thumbnail issue on "Quick view" popup
Version 7.2.0
In Suruchi version 7.2.0, we've introduced an age verification popup and added support for over 20 language translations. Additionally, we've addressed various issues and made several feature enhancements.
Added "Age verification" popup
Added over 20 language translations
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed countdown timer translation issue
Fixed Payment icon scrolling issue on mobile
Fixed the scrolling issue that occurred after subscribing to the email via the popup
Fixed the "Shipping calculate" button translation issue
Fixed color issue for product filters in the collection page
Version 7.1.0
In version Suruchi 7.1.0, We've fixed some issues and as well as other feature improvements
Added two settings in the Theme settings to enable or disable the wishlist and compare button from the entire store
Added link to the Vendor on the product page
Fixes and other improvements
Improved the "Add to cart" button issue on the product page
Fixed dynamic checkout button height issue
Fixed scrolling issue after selecting a variant to add to the cart
Fixed image and video ratio issues on the product page
Fixed the spacing issue for mobile devices on the product page
Fixed translation issue for coupon input field in the cart page
Fixed the spacing issue specific to the mobile device slideshow, when there was no slider caption
Fixed the image enable/disable issue in the testimonial section
Fixed countdown timer section, when the time count ends
Version 7.0.0
In version Suruchi 7.0.0, we've released 3 new demo Presets. Additionally, we've added 1 new section as well as other feature improvements as well as other feature improvements.
Added a new demo preset, 'T-Shirts (POD)'
Added a new demo preset, 'Bathroom'
Added a new demo preset, 'Towel'
Added a new section "Video hero", (Background video section)
Local video (mp4)
Youtube video
Vimeo video
Fixes and other improvements
Color issue fixed for Mobile navigation bar label
Fixed Media gallery images' full-width issue
Active search filter issues have been fixed
On Predictive select search active filter (Header and Search page)
The active tab filter issue has been fixed on the product page
Price issue fixed for the "product card" in different sections
Translating issue fixed on the wishlist page
The total price issue has been fixed on the "Free shipping bar"
The countdown timer issue fixed when the time has been ended (At the announcement bar section)
The predictive search result CSS issue has been fixed (Full-width issue, when the search result is only a single column)
The "View all" button issue was fixed in the "Featured collection" section (When the button is positioned at the top of the section and the button links to the respective collection.)
Version 6.0.0
In version Suruchi 6.0.0, we've released 4 new demo Presets as well as other feature improvements.
Added a new demo preset, 'Scuba Diving'
Added a new demo preset, Skating
Added a new demo preset, 'Bicycle'
Added a new demo preset, 'Ceramics'
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed SEO schema to the "product page"
Fixed SEO schema to the "Featured product" section
Fixed SEO schema to the "Blog Article" page
Fixed meatfield issue on the "size guide popup" and "Popup text" block on the product page
Fixed the "Cart button" when the variant is unavailable
Fixed banner link issue to the "Collection product banner" section
Fixed the "Inventory status" issue to the "product page", "Feature Product" section, and "Popular products with tabs" section
Fixed the "password page" broken design
Version 5.0.0
In version Suruchi 5.0.0, we've released 5 new demo Presets as well as other feature improvements.
Added a new demo preset, 'Nutrition'
Added a new demo preset, 'Cake'
Added a new demo preset, 'Pizza'
Added a new demo preset, 'Coffee'
Added a new demo preset, 'Flower'
Added Highlight Text Color field to the color scheme
Added Highlight Text color option to slider title
Version 4.1.0
In version Suruchi 4.1.0, we've released 2 new demo Presets "Plant" and "Matcha as well as other feature improvements.
Added a new demo preset, 'Plant'
Added a new demo preset, 'Matcha '
Added the "Search filter tags" field to the predictive search section. You can add important search tags to the "Predictive search" filter. It gives you search results as per the tags.
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed the "Quick add to cart" button issue, After disabling Quick View from theme settings.
Removed automatically display tags to the "Predictive search" filter
Version 4.0.0
In version Suruchi 4.0.0, we've released 1 new demo "Grocery". Also, we've added 1 new section and 1 product card as well as other feature improvements
Added a new demo preset, 'Grocery'
Added a new section "Promo banner"
Text block
image block
Video block
Product card block
Product list block
Countdown timer block
Added "image position"left and right option and "Color scheme" option to the "Image with text" section
Added new product card style ("Add to cart button" below on the product card)
Added "video position" left and right option to the "Video banner" section
Fixes and other improvements
Improved "Collection list" section (card style with responsive)
Fixed slider loop option on the "Product recommendation" section of the product page
The section header countdown time has been improved to the "Featured collection" section
Fixed "Section header" to the "Image collage" section
"Product card" settings have been fixed on the Search page
Version 3.5.0
Suruchi 3.5.0 released 3 new demos "Sneakers", "Footwear", and "Single Product". Also, we've added 2 new sections as well as other feature improvements
Added a new demo preset, 'Sneaker'
Added a new demo preset, 'Footwear'
Added a new demo preset, 'Single product'
Added a new section "Image Collage"
Added a new section "Video banner"
Added a setting to enable/disable currency and language from the mobile menu
Fixes and other improvements
The slider pagination counter issue has been fixed on the product page for mobile device
Fixed scrolling issue on the product page for mobile device
Responsive design has been improved for a few sections
Version 3.1.0
In version Suruchi 3.1.0, We've fixed some issues. Also, We've enhanced other features.
Added "Free shipping bar" on the cart page
Added new settings to the "Page" section (Section spacing, Page width settings)
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed the Product action button icon on the iPhone Safari browser
Fixed Banner height issue on the "Banner list" section
Optimized JavaScript files to get better performance
"Cart icon type" issue has been fixed on the header section
Design improved on the cart page
Cart icon issue has been fixed on the "Collage" section (At the product block)
Replaced deprecated "img_url" tag with new fluid tag "image_url" (To get better performance)
Version 3.0.0
05 December 2023
Suruchi 3.0.0 released 1 new demo (Single product) and added one new section as well as other feature improvements
Added a new demo preset, 'Single product'
Added a new section "Timeline"
Added a "Feature list" block to the "Image with text" section
Added an "Image icon" field and "Icon selector" to the "Featured promotion" section
Added settings for alignment of section titles on mobile devices
Added icon to the "Add to cart button" on the "Featured product" section
Added "Marquee text" on the product card
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed "Follow on Shop CTA" responsive issue on the footer
Fixed "section title" alignment settings for desktop device
Fixed "Full width" settings to the video section
Version 2.5.0
24 November 2023
Added "2 columns thumbnail" option on the product page
Added "Marquee" to the product card
Added icon to the "Add to cart button" on the product page
Added different cart icons on the header (Cart, bag, basket)
Fixes and other improvements
The snowfall Effect issue was fixed on the footer
Improved section title to the "Lookbook slider section"
Fixed color issues on the mobile menu
Fixed column issue in the "Product stacked" layout on the product page
Changed the cart icon in the header
Changed the user icon in the header
Version 2.2.0
05 November 2023
Suruchi 2.2.0 "Car Accessories" and "Christmas" 2 new demo released as well as other feature improvements
Added a new demo preset, 'Christmas'
Added a new demo preset, 'Car accessories'
Added "snowfall" animation for the "Gallery" section
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed banner link in the "Slideshow with banner" section
Fixed minor CSS issues
Version 2.1.0
27 October 2023
Suruchi 2.1.0 added some new features as well as enhancements to other features.
Added a new demo, 'Christmas'
Added "snowfall" animation for sections
Added a setting to enable/disable "Inventory status" on the "Popular product with tabs" section
Fixes and other improvements
Filter counter align issue has been fixed
Color swatches issues have been fixed
Image showing issue has been fixed on the "Collection list" page
"On Sale" badge issue has been fixed
Updated the "Advanced search filter" section settings
Updated the "Featured collection" section settings
Updated the "Countdown banner" section settings
Version 2.0.0
16 October 2023
*** A big update for Suruchi 2.0.0 ***
Suruchi 2.0.0 released 1 new demo for "Auto parts" and added five new sections as well as enhancements to other features.
Added a new demo preset, 'Auto parts'
Added a new section "Advanced search filter"
Added a new section "Advanced filter with slideshow"
Added a new section "Featured Collections"
Added a new section "Best deals products"
Added a new section "Collage"
Added a static section "Color swatches" for custom color on the product color variant
Added a new feature "Gift Card Recipients" on the product page
Added a new feature "Follow on Shop CTA" on the footer
Fixes and other improvement
Improved "Banner list" section (Added Image ratio: Auto best fit)
Fixed wishlist and compared the counter issue
The translation issue has been fixed to the footer newsletter widget
Improved customer pages (You can add a dynamic section to the customer pages)
The compare button translation issue has been fixed
The product review feature has been improved (Judge me product review app widget added)
The product discount issue has been fixed
More styles and responsive design have been improved
Version 1.4.0
04 October 2023
Suruchi 1.4.0 released a new demo dark version as well as other feature improvements.
Added a new demo preset, "Dark version"
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed "quantity box" background color
Fixed "Pagination" background & foreground color
Fixed footer newsletter input background & foreground color
Improved color settings for the email popup section
Fixed loading spinner issue on the "Add to Cart" button in the quick view popup
Fixed the vertical menu icon issue in the header section
The duplicate ID issue has been fixed on the "Cart drawer"
Fixed inventory status label translation issue on the "Popular products with tabs" section
Fixed background & foreground color issues on the "Product sticky cart"
Version 1.3.0
22 September 2023
Suruchi 1.3.0 released 2 new demos for Electronics Mega Store and RTL Store and added two new sections as well as enhancements to other features.
Added Right-to-left layout support
Added a new demo preset, 'Electronics Mega Store
Added a new section "Slideshow with banner"
Added a new section "Popular products tabs"
Added a vertical menu in the header section
Added icon list for welcome text in the header
Added "Collection card" to the "Featured collection"
Added "Countdown timer" to the "Featured collection" as section header position
Added (Background color scheme, Border radius, Inner padding) settings for the "Product" card for every section
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed sticky header issue on mobile
Improved responsive design for header
Updated the "Featured collection" section
The "View All" button type and placement have been improved for the "Featured Collection" section
Fixed translating issue for a couple of sections
Version 1.2.0
14 September 2023
Suruchi 4.2.0 released a Right-to-Left layout and fixed the color swatches for all the sections as well as enhancements to other features.
Added Right-to-left layout support
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed variant color swatches on the product page
Fixed variant color swatches on the quick-view
Fixed color swatches on the product grid
Product Variant swatch type has been improved (Color swatch & Variant image)
Product Variant swatch button style has been improved (Round & Square)
Improved Responsive Design
Minor css issues have been fixed
Version 1.0.0
05 September 2023
Initial Release
Last updated