Page title banner
One way to determine the location of visitors is through a supplementary navigation system.
One way to determine the location of visitors is through a supplementary navigation system.
Page width
Boxed: With boxed width, page content can be displayed within the maximum width. The page width can be changed in Theme Settings > Layout.
Full width: With the "Full width" option, page content can be displayed in its entirety full-width. When you show content at full width, you can add padding to the left and right sides.
Background image
You can add a background image
Image overlay opacity
You can add an overlay on the background image. There is an option to change the opacity of the overlay. The range is 0 to 100%
Show page heading
You can show/hide page title
Heading size
You can change the heading font size following the options Large, Medium, Small
Show Breadcrumb Navigation
You can show/hide breadcrumb navigation
Text Align
There is an option to change the text-align
Desktop: Padding top
The section’s top inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the desktop.
Desktop: Padding bottom
The section’s bottom inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the desktop.
Mobile: Padding top
The section’s top inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the mobile.
Mobile: Padding bottom
The section’s top inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the mobile.