Add a gift wrap option to your cart
A full guide to add a gift wrap option to your cart
A full guide to add a gift wrap option to your cart
You can provide a gift-wrapping service to your customers through your online store's cart. You can charge a per-product fee to customers who want their order wrapped. Suruchi has a gift wrap option in the cart drawer.
Take the following steps:
Create a gift-wrap product
Create a menu
First, you will create your gift-wrap option as a product:
From your Shopify admin, go to Products.
Click Add Product.
Create a gift-wrap product just as you would create any other product
You can describe the materials that will be used to "gift-wrap" the items in your product description.
Put the price you want to charge for the "gift-wrap" product. Set the price of your "gift-wrap" product to 0 if you desire free gift wrapping.
To show your customers what a "gift-wrapped" order will look like, you can upload an image for the product.
To prevent Shopify from tracking inventory for the gift-wrap product, make sure your gift-wrap product includes inventory or change the settings. If your store has multiple locations, then uncheck Track Quantity to prevent Shopify from tracking inventory for the gift-wrap product.
4. Click Save.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Navigation.
Click Add menu.
Name your menu Gift wrapping
, so that the handle that's assigned to the menu is gift-wrapping
Add the gift-wrap product to the menu:
Click Add menu item, and then enter a Name for the link to the gift-wrap product.
In the Link field, select Products, and then select the gift-wrap product from the drop-down menu.
Click Add.
Click the Save menu.