How to enable free shipping bar
A full customize the free shipping bar to the mini cart
A full customize the free shipping bar to the mini cart
Take the following steps:
In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings
Locate Cart
Make the necessary adjustments.
Make sure that you have properly configured your shipping rates.
Show free shipping message
You can enable/disable it.
Free shipping minimum amount
What is the minimum purchase amount for customers to get for free shipping? You need to set the amount
Free shipping only amount
The minimum amount required to display "only" the title on the shipping message. This will help the customer understand and get free shipping on small purchases
Shipping low color
For various conditions, you can change the color of the shipping bar.
Shipping medium color
For various conditions, you can change the color of the shipping bar.
Shipping high color
For various conditions, you can change the color of the shipping bar.
Shipping success color
For various conditions, you can change the color of the shipping bar.