How to alter the color scheme to better fit the style and feel of the website
How to alter the color scheme to better fit the style and feel of the website
Take the following steps:
In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings
Locate Color settings
Make the necessary adjustments.
This is a field to add background color
Background gradient
Background gradient replaces background where possible.
This is a field to add text color
Primary/Solid button
Solid background button
Button background
This is a field to change the solid button background color
Button text
This is a field to change the solid button text color
Button background hover
This is a field to change the solid button hover background color
Button text hover
This is a field to change the solid button hover text color
Secondary/Outline Button
Outline button
Outline button
This is the field to change the outline button text and border-color
Button background hover
This is a field to change the outline button hover background color
Button text hover
This is a field to change the outline button hover text color
Text link
Text link hover
You can add a hover color to the link
After adding the color scheme group, you can add/change the color scheme for the specific section