A guide to editing product recommendations and suggestions for your Suruchi site search
A guide to editing product recommendations and suggestions for your Suruchi site search
Take the following steps:
In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings
Locate Search
Make the necessary adjustments.
Enable product suggestions
You can enable/disable the product suggestions. If you disable it, After searching for anything your page will redirect to the search page.
Search filter type
Vendor: If you select it, your search result will suggest based on the product vendor.
Product type: If you select it, your search result will suggest based on the product type.
Tag: If you select it, your search result will suggest based on the product tag.
None: If you select it, your search result will suggest the entire website.
Number of search results
You can set the maximum number of search results. The search result limit is 1 to 10
Show vendor
Visible when product suggestions enabled.
Show price
Visible when product suggestions enabled.
Show unavailable products
You can show/hide the unavailable products in the search result.
In addition to products, you may display other types of results.
Show collection
You can show/hide collection suggestions
Show articles
You can show/hide Article suggestions
Show pages
You can show/hide Page suggestions
Product recommendations increase sales and boost your store's bottom line. More purchases are made as a result of it.
You can add a heading for the "Most searched products"
Collection recommended
You can select a collection.
Collection recommended product limit
You can set a limit to show products items of the collection
You can add a heading for the "Popular searches"
Popular searches
Separate by "," Add here your popular search tags. For example T-Shirt, Blue, Jacket